Kreativität gehört ins Curriculum

  • von Adobe Systems:

    Creativity Should be Taught as a Course

    88% Percent of U.S. Professionals Surveyed Believe Creativity Should be Built into Standard Curricula

    SAN JOSE, Calif. — Nov. 7, 2012 — Creative thinking deserves a much higher priority in education curricula, according to college-educated professionals surveyed in new research released today by Adobe. The U.S. study, Creativity and Education: Why it Matters, sheds new light on the role of creativity in career success and the growing belief that creativity is not just a personality trait, but a learned skill. Based on the study, 85% percent of respondents agree creative thinking is critical for problem solving in their career, and 68% of respondents believe creativity is a skill that can be learned. Nearly three-quarters (71%) say creative thinking should be “taught as a class – like math or science.”

    Der ganze Artikel findet sich hier:…ationCreativityStudy.html

  • Kreatives Denken kann man auf jeden Fall hervorlocken, und vor allem FÖRDERN. Die meisten Fächer haben doch mitttlerweile längst kreative Aufgabenformen in den Lehrplänen.
    Aber fachunabhängig Kreativität als Gegenstand unterrichten, hört sich für mich nach weiterem edukratischen Kompetenzgefasel an...


    "I think it would be a great idea." (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi when asked what he thought of western civilization)
